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F16 ICP Build Guide

Build guide for the F16 ICP Project

  1. Introduction
  2. Bill Of Materials (BOM)
  3. 3D printing
  4. Finishing 3D prints
  5. Electronics
  6. Software
  7. Assembly
  8. Accessories


There are a couple of ways to attach the toggle switches, depending on if you want the nut above or below the main body.
If you want the nut to show, just screw in the switch like normal. Otherwise, place the nut on the switch first, insert it in the main body and glue it in place.

After this, place the PCB in the main body and attach it using the screws. Attach the toggle switch wires to the toggle switch.
After this, check the alignment of all the buttons and check if they can move freely. If not, please correct the alignment as described in the Electronics part.

Next step: Accessories